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Goal and Objectives
The New Hanover Township Police Department remains committed to attracting and recruiting the most qualified applicants and is actively seeking female and under-represented minority candidates. The objective is to achieve an overall racial and gender composition of the department in comparison to the service population of the Township through the department’s recruiting activities.
New Hanover Township will make efforts to meet specific goals when recruiting potential new applicants, towards creating a diverse workforce, in terms of people of color and gender diversity. The goals and objectives will be accomplished through various recruitment activities including a diversity community outreach program designed by our department.
The New Hanover Township Police Department is subject to the provisions of New Jersey statutes 40A:14-118, and municipal ordinances in all aspects of the recruitment and selection process. The New Hanover Township Police Department recruits from a candidate list open to all residents of New Jersey. New Hanover Township Police Department is an equal opportunity employer in all facets of the personal process. The New Hanover Township Police Chief is responsible for and in charge of, all recruitment and or hiring process.
Current Demographics
The following demographics chart was composed from the 2020 Census data of the service area. This agency is represented in the following table:

Activity #1 :
Identify and maintain contact with local minority organizations and social support groups, including, but not limited to, educational, religious, ethnic, racial, and gender-based organizations.
These activities may include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Providing recruitment brochures and materials to educational, religious, ethnic, racial, and gender- based organizations.
- Attending career fairs in the local and Burlington County school districts.
- Drafting, printing and distributing informational brochures, pamphlets, posters and/or other
materials which may attract qualified persons to the agency.
- Making maximum use of the New Hanover Township website to attract qualified candidates to the
Activity #2:
When applicable, contact Police training academies and post vacancy announcements for current Alternate Route candidates.
Activity #3:
Advertise on, the New Hanover Township Police Department's Facebook page and other social media platforms, as well as any other appropriate media market, for persons meeting eligibility requirements.
The Chief of Police shall conduct an annual review of the Recruitment Plan. As a result of this annual review, if necessary, the Recruitment Plan shall be revised, if the goals and objectives cannot be achieved.
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